Le gouvernement arménien cesse d’utiliser des portables Apple au profit d’ordinateurs locaux

"YEREVAN–In a cabinet meeting on July 6, PM Nikol Pashinyan announced that members of the Armenian government have switched from using Apple laptops to Armenia-manufactured ones
Pashinyan recalled that the development of information technology is one of the priorities of the government. The Prime Minister expressed hope that other government agencies and the National Assembly will follow suit. Days later, the government made another announcement, that it would be using eco-pens made from recycled paper.

“It is very important for our country to develop domestic production. We should all give preference to Armenia-made products. As you see, there are such opportunities,” Pashinyan said. He also urged citizens to give preference to goods of Armenian origin when making purchases, “This is both pleasant and profitable, and increases the possibilities of local production and producers,” Pashinyan said."

source : The ArmenianWeekly

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